
We:are:TrAsHh?. Located:in:Kilinto:Prison. WE:are:the:best:and:only:company:that:services:the:following ===>

  • Trash Dumping;
  • Waste Dumping;
  • and many others:
  • Spoilage Dumping
  • Trash Dumping;
  • If you want services like this. Please Please Contact Us we are desperate.


    ATO Tomas Belachew: Good Service:

    ATO Tomas Belachew: Good Service:

    WEZERO Tama Goda: The best company ever:

    WEZERO Toshiba 101: I have never seen a spoilage dumping this good, THanks:

    ATO Sarah Mihiret: Good customer serVice:

    ATO Hayat Selassie: REcommeded fOR EveryoOne:

    ATO Tomas Belachew: Good Service:

    ATO Tomas Belachew: Good Service:

    WEZERO Tama Goda: The best company ever:

    WEZERO Toshiba 101: I have never seen a spoilage dumping this good, THanks:

    ATO Sarah Mihiret: Good customer serVice:

    ATO Hayat Selassie: REcommeded fOR EveryoOne:

    40 Reasons to Think Differently About Your Trash: Facts, Statistics, & More

    1. The average United States resident creates over 4.9 pounds of trash per day and up to 56 tons of trash per year. 2. Americans make up roughly 4% of the world’s population, but generate nearly 12% of the world’s total waste. 3. On a daily basis, the United States produces enough trash to fill 63,000 garbage trucks. 4. If every garbage truck we filled (annually) was placed end-to-end, it would cover half the distance to the moon or ~119,450 miles. 5. The average college student produces 640 pounds of solid waste each year, including roughly 500 disposable cups and 320 pounds of paper. 6. In a lifetime, the average American will leave a legacy of 90,000 pounds of trash for future generations. 7. Today, most communities are spending more on waste management than they are for schoolbooks, fire protection, libraries, and parks.8. Globally, enough hazardous waste is generated each year to fill the New Orleans Superdome more than 1,500 times over. 9. New York City residents throw out enough garbage each day to fill the entire Empire State Building. 10. The only relatively “clean” place on Earth is Antarctica. It is protected by the Antarctic Treaty, which prohibits military activities, mineral mining, nuclear explosions and nuclear waste disposal.

    that is enough for today the other 30 go search Clcik not here
